Trademark Registration Service in the USA
Registering a trademark in the USA can be complex.
We simplify this process, ensuring your trademark is both registered and protected against potential violations.
Here's an overview of our services:
Client Request:
The initiation starts with your detailed request, encompassing the word mark, associated design, target territory, and the mark's current usage status.
and Payment:
After data collection, we send an invoice, which initially covers only the trademark search cost.
Phone Consultation:
We schedule a 30-minute call to align our understanding, evaluate the mark's strength, define search parameters, and discuss potential alternatives.
Trademark Search:
Our experts perform a comprehensive global trademark search, including the US and WIPO databases, along with other online resources.
We provide advice tailored to the search outcomes, suggesting appropriate goods/services classes, potential mark modifications, and the selection between a word or design mark.
Client's Decision:
Armed with our knowledge, you will take the time
to make a decision and determine the next steps
in choosing the right trademark for you.
Adjusted Invoice:
The invoice may be revised based on your decision.
If you opt out, we'll settle any
search-related charges.
Application Filing:
With your go-ahead, we submit the trademark applications, sharing our recommended goods and services description beforehand.
and Opposition:
Once approved, the application is published, granting a 30-day window for public objections.
Opposition Handling:
If opposed, the application is reviewed by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. We can draft a response, liaise with the opposing party, or assist in submitting a counter-response.
Opposition responses initiate TTAB proceedings. If opposition persists, you can either withdraw or engage a specialized TTAB attorney. We're here to represent you.
Registration/Notice of Allowance:
Absent opposition, the USPTO registers in-use trademarks. For future-use marks, a Notice of Allowance (NOA) is granted.
Statement of Use:
For future-use marks, we submit a Statement of Use (SOU) within 6 months of NOA, evidencing the mark's commercial use. Successful submissions lead to registration; otherwise, further filings may be required.
If you transfer a mark or its application, we facilitate the registration of that transfer. We are ready to provide
a full range of services to ensure
a successful outcome.
Trademark Registration Packages
USA Exclusive
Solely for the USA
USA + Europe + China
An all-inclusive package for the USA, Europe, and China
Europe Exclusive
Only for Europe
USA + Europe
A combined package for both regions
USA + Canada
A dual package for the USA and Canada
Embark on your trademark registration journey with confidence. Whether targeting a single region or multiple territories, we have the perfect package. Trust our expertise to guide you seamlessly through the process.